On your journey to building wealth, there is one important factor on which to focus than your net worth: Your self-worth.
We all want success, but there is one thing stopping us from achieving it. What is it?Fear.
Becoming wealthy might seem downright impossible when you try to wrap your head around the astonishing heights certain individuals can reach.
If you could do anything with your life, what would you do? What do you want most in the world? If nothing was stopping you from achieving everything you wanted, what would you achieve?Stop reading for a moment and find your answers.
The good news is that whether you’re earning minimum wage or six figures, you can still build wealth. The bad news is that, no matter how much you earn, you’re just as likely to fall victim to bad money habits. But it doesn’t have to be all bad news, because everyone has the ability to grow and make a change.
You’ve heard these statements before, you’ve probably said them. Thinking or speaking this way might seem harmless, but if you’re trying to build wealth, they are detrimental to your progress. These words, are setting you down a path of resistance and negative thinking before you’ve even saved your first dollar.
It’s always important to have a morning routine to help you start the day off right, but a nighttime habits before bed can help you relieve the stresses of the day and start the next day on the right side of the bed.
Throughout your life, you encounter judgement. Parents, siblings, friends, peers, bosses, coaches, the list goes on. But whose opinion of you is the culprit to your self-esteem, to your perceived lack of success? Who is ultimately your harshest judge?
Even though they are worth billions, some of the wealthiest people in the world spend less on certain things than those who make less than six figures. They’ve built a life on frugality where it matters.
You’ve heard it before, that one word that creeps up when you’re figuring out what to do in order to seek happiness, enjoy freedom, and attain your goals:
Ask yourself three questions: Where are you now in life? Are you where you planned you’d be? Where do you want to be?
On your path to building wealth, take advice from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world…
If you’re one of the many people who want to find a better way to earn an even better living, stop what you’re doing and read these tips to help you change the way you think about building wealth.
The difference between a dwindling venture and a successful business is in these 7 pillars. When you use these pillars as the foundation for your business, you will experience incredible opportunities, exponential growth, and most importantly… wealth.
According to the National Association of Realtors’ 2017 Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends Report, Millennials are the largest demographic buying and selling in the real estate market today. So, what does that mean for real estate agents? The need to be tech savvy is more important now than ever before.
Not everybody has tens of thousands of dollars sitting in their bank account waiting for the right investment. So where do you start if you’re at square one?
Instead of waking up and rushing off to the office or your first meeting of the day, wake up and give yourself time to reflect, refresh and re-energize. The more time in the day you have for yourself and your endeavors, the more time you have to enjoy the success.
Feeling unmotivated? Is the fear of failure holding you back from achieving your dreams? These quotes from some of the most successful entrepreneurs in history will help you forget about those fears and inspire you to take action!
If you sat down and thought about it, or even did some research, you’d find out pretty quickly that no amount of money in the world ever made anyone truly happy. If you see your neighbors in the nicer house, do you think they’re “happier” than you?
Building wealth isn’t about coming to a certain “destination. It’s about the journey. The journey to wealth is never-ending. It’s about constantly progressing and exponentially growing. It’s a state of being in which you’re always moving, creating more, building bigger and better.
After over 20 years as an entrepreneur expanding my portfolio through real estate and leading other agents to build wealth for themselves, I decided to sit down with my good friend of over a decade and fellow wealth building expert, David Osborn, and share the knowledge and insights we’ve gained over the years with the world.
Beyond changing the way you think about money, you also have to change the way you actually make money. There are essentially two ways of doing this: Vertical income and Horizontal income. Which type of income do you make? Which do you think builds wealth?
The family next door has a brand new Mercedes, gallivants around the world to exotic locations, and flashes the time on their Swiss watches. But does that mean they’re wealthy? And does it mean you should aspire to their levels of extravagance?
Building wealth starts with changing your perspective. Here are nine ways to fix your thoughts so that you can upgrade your mindset, improve your money, and grow your wealth.
Whether it was for a seemingly small idea, or a grand endeavor, these nine women have persevered, inspired, and created despite a male dominated society. They have ignored limitations and changed perceptions with unwavering confidence and poise...
During your wealth building process, you could still think you’re doing everything right: You’re spending less than you earn, you’re putting money away for a rainy day, but there are a few traps you’re still falling into without even realizing it.
On January 1st every year, midnight strikes and it kicks off a glorious momentum of positive thinking and goal setting. Then February hits… What happened?
Building wealth doesn’t start with the act of making more money.
It starts with creating habits that will naturally enforce a wealth building attitude.