Motivation. Work ethic. Talent. Smarts. Willingness to learn. Dedication. These are all important skills to have as a leader in your business. But, there is one more thing you are probably forgetting to do, and do right… Delegate.
If you’re feeling like one minute away from your business and the whole thing could crumble, you’re not delegating.
If you took a day off, and your phone rings off the hook, you’re not delegating. If you are a perfectionist, you’re probably not delegating.
To some, especially perfectionists, delegation might be a difficult concept to accept. It might feel like the difference between getting it done and utter failure. I co-wrote an upcoming book with David Osborn titled, “Wealth Can’t Wait.” In it, I mention people don’t see how anyone could do something as well as them. The truth is, no one will do it exactly like them — an important distinction to remember. There’s also the strong possibility that they might be doing it even better.
Part of building wealth is surrounding yourself with abundance — and in the context of delegation, surrounding yourself with talented people. You’ll never achieve the goals that you want to reach if you insist on doing every single thing yourself. Imagine the greatness you could accomplish if you hired an amazingly talented person to take care of something you don’t really want to do anyway. Imagine the time you’d have to create a life made of wealth if you didn’t spend it doing the things that are taking away from your development.
In business and in life, outsource the tasks that aren’t directly affecting you and your business’s growth. The more you delegate, the more time you’ll have to use your talents wisely. Hire an accountant, a marketing guru, even a house cleaner. Free up your time so that you can really take action.
A great leader also knows how to delegate right. A smart entrepreneur finds talented, motivated, and efficient people like themselves who are willing to grow with the company, and learn how to help it grow with you.
Delegation doesn’t just mean handing out tasks to someone, it also involves handing out leadership. Find leaders and show them how to lead, give them the reigns within their own talents, and the domino effect of delegation will result in a well-oiled machine constantly growing and improving.
So, to become a great delegator, start taking note of your day-to-day actions. At the end of the week, read back and see what you might be wasting your time on: what tasks someone else could easily do. This will help you figure out what you’re willing to delegate. Then, find the perfect person to handle it. Give clear, concise, and supportive instructions. Then, spend your own time applying your talents to the ultimate goal. Finally, watch your business grow.
A common side-effect to delegation is micro-managing. The last thing you want is your employees thinking you don’t trust them to do their jobs. This breeds resentment, and a lack of support for you and your business. Micro-managing is also a massive waste of your own time. Stick to what you’re good at and where you’re needed, let those whom you’ve delegated stick to what they’ve been entrusted to do, and surprise: a thriving business!
A lot of entrepreneurs are afraid to delegate. Afraid someone else might ruin it, or worse: do better. People are afraid they’re not busy enough, not in control, can’t trust anyone, or afraid everyone will mess it up. Whatever your fears are in relinquishing tasks and responsibility, look within yourself and realize that fear is only going to stop you from achieving your goals. Instead, lead the way for yourself and others to become even greater.